• Introduction In this chapter, we’ll discuss deployment! Deployment is the process of taking your application from development to production, making it accessible to users on the internet. Let’s dive into this exciting topic with our geeky and friendly characters, Geek and Gal!
Gal Normal

Ready to learn about deploying web applications? 🚀

Geek Curious

Absolutely! Where do we start?

Gal Happy

First, let's talk about hosting providers. They are the ones that will host your application on their servers, making it accessible to users!

  • Hosting Providers
Gal Pleased

There are many hosting providers out there, like Netlify , Vercel , Heroku , and AWS . They offer different features, pricing, and ease of use. You'll need to choose one that fits your needs!

Geek Happy

Great! I'll check out those hosting providers. What's the next step?

Gal Happy

Once you've chosen a hosting provider, you'll need to build and deploy your application!

  • Building and Deploying Your Application
Gal Pleased

Building your application means generating the static files, like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, that users will access. Most frameworks have a build process that helps you with this!

Geek Curious

And what about deploying?

Gal Happy

Deploying is simply uploading those built files to your chosen hosting provider. They'll provide instructions on how to do this, and many even offer integration with popular version control systems like Git !

Geek Happy

Sounds good! What about custom domains and HTTPS?

Gal Happy

Great questions! Custom domains allow you to use your own domain name instead of the default one provided by the hosting provider. HTTPS ensures a secure connection between your users and your application.

Gal Pleased

Most hosting providers make it easy to set up custom domains and HTTPS. Just follow their instructions!

Geek Surprised

Wow, deployment seems more accessible than I thought!

Gal Happy

It sure is! And here's a hilarious tip: Always remember to test your application after deploying! You don't want to find out from a user that your app is broken! 😂

Geek Happy

Haha, that's a funny but important tip! Thanks for sharing! 😄

  • Conclusion Deployment is a crucial step in making your web application available to users on the internet. Choose a suitable hosting provider, build and deploy your app, and don’t forget to set up custom domains and HTTPS! And always test your application after deploying! Happy deploying! 🎉