
Gal Normal

I've heard about "functions" in programming. What are they?

Geek Curious

Functions are reusable pieces of code that perform a specific task. They make your code more organized and easier to maintain.

Gal Happy

Cool! Can you show me how to create and use functions?

Geek Smiling

Sure! Let's learn about functions in Python.

Step 1: Defining a Function

Gal Excited

How do we create a function?

Geek Ready

To create a function, you need to use the "def" keyword, followed by the function name, parentheses, and a colon. The function's code goes inside the indented block.

def greet():
    print("Hello, world!")

Step 2: Calling a Function

Gal Wondering

And how do we use a function?

Geek Happy

You "call" a function by using its name followed by parentheses. Here's how to call the "greet" function:



Hello, world!

Step 3: Function Parameters and Return Values

Gal Curious

Can functions take input or give back output?

Geek Explaining

Yes! Functions can take input through "parameters" and return output using the "return" keyword.

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

result = add(5, 10)
Gal Eager

Show me the result!

Geek Smiling

Here you go!





Now you know the basics of functions in programming! Functions are a powerful way to organize and reuse your code, making it more efficient and easier to maintain. Keep practicing, and you’ll master functions in no time! 🚀