• Introduction In this section, we’ll explore the Rendering Lists part of the Lists and Keys chapter in React. Rendering lists is crucial when displaying multiple items, like a list of users, products, or search results. Let’s join the conversation between Geek and Gal to learn more about rendering lists in React!
Gal Normal

When building a React app, you often need to display lists of items, like a list of movies or recipes!

Geek Curious

How do we render a list of items in a React component?

Gal Happy

Great question! You can use the JavaScript map() function to loop through an array of items and create a list of elements to render in your component!

  • Rendering Lists in React
Gal Pleased

Here's an example of how to render a list of items using map() in a React component:

function MovieList({ movies }) {
    return (
            {movies.map((movie) => (
                <li key={movie.id}>{movie.title}</li>
Geek Happy

I see! We use the map() function to loop through the movies array and create a list element for each movie.

Gal Happy

Exactly! And don't forget to include a unique key attribute for each list item to help React optimize rendering performance.

  • Hilarious Example
Geek Curious

Could you give me a funny example of rendering a list?

Gal Pleased

Sure! Let's render a list of silly animal names using map() and keys!

const animals = [
    { id: 1, name: 'Giraffeasaurus' },
    { id: 2, name: 'Hippopotamoose' },
    { id: 3, name: 'Kangaroodle' },

function SillyAnimalList() {
    return (
            {animals.map((animal) => (
                <li key={animal.id}>{animal.name} 🤣</li>
Geek Happy

Haha, that's hilarious! We've rendered a list of funny animal names using map() and assigned a unique key to each list item.

Gal Happy

You got it! Remember, when rendering lists in React, use the map() function and assign unique keys to make your app efficient and easy to maintain!

  • Conclusion Rendering Lists in React is a fundamental concept for displaying multiple items. Use the map() function to loop through an array and create list elements, and always assign unique keys to improve rendering performance. Keep practicing and have fun rendering lists in your React apps! 😄