• Introduction Now that we’ve learned about State in React components, it’s time to understand how to manage State effectively. Geek and Gal will guide us through this essential concept in React development.
Gal Normal

Let's dive into managing State in React components, shall we?

Geek Curious

Sure, I'm eager to learn more!

Gal Happy

Awesome! To manage State effectively, we should follow some best practices, like keeping state as close to the root as possible and lifting state up when necessary.

  • Keeping State Close to the Root
Gal Pleased

The idea of keeping state close to the root means to store the state in a high-level component so that it's easier to manage and pass down as props to child components.

Geek Happy

Ah, I see. So by keeping state at a higher level, it's easier to manage and share with other components!

Gal Happy

Exactly! This also helps prevent unnecessary re-renders and improves performance.

  • Lifting State Up
Gal Pleased

Sometimes you need to share state between sibling components. In such cases, you "lift state up" by moving the state to their closest common ancestor.

Geek Curious

Can you give an example of lifting state up?

Gal Happy

Sure! Let's say we have two sibling components, ComponentA and ComponentB, that need to share a piece of state. We'll move the state to their parent component, ParentComponent, like this:

class ParentComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      sharedValue: ''

  render() {
    return (
        <ComponentA sharedValue={this.state.sharedValue} />
        <ComponentB sharedValue={this.state.sharedValue} />
Geek Happy

Got it! We lift the state to the ParentComponent and pass it down as props to both ComponentA and ComponentB!

Gal Happy

You nailed it! This way, both components can access and update the shared state through the parent component.

  • Hilarious Example
Geek Curious

How about a hilarious example of managing State?

Gal Pleased

Let's create a "Mood Changer" app that lets two friends update each other's mood using emojis! We'll lift the state up to manage their moods.

import React, { useState } from 'react';

function MoodChanger() {
  const [friendAMood, setFriendAMood] = useState('😀');
  const [friendBMood, setFriendBMood] = useState('😀');

  return (
      <h2>Friend A's mood: {friendAMood}</h2>
      <button onClick={() => setFriendAMood('😂')}>Make Friend A Laugh</button>

      <h2>Friend B's mood: {friendBMood}</h2>
      <button onClick={() => setFriendBMood('😍')}>Make Friend B Love</button>

[[conversation]] geek_happy: ‘Haha, that’s a fun example! We’re using State effectively to manage the moods of two friends in our Mood Changer app!’ gal_happy: ‘I’m glad you like it! Keep practicing and create more engaging apps with proper state management!’ [[