• Introduction Now, let’s dive into the component lifecycle in React! Component lifecycle refers to the sequence of events that occur from the creation to the destruction of a component. Understanding these events helps you manage state and optimize rendering efficiently. Geek and Gal will explain this concept with their engaging and funny interactions!
Gal Normal

Ready to learn about component lifecycle in React?

Geek Curious

Definitely! What is it all about?

Gal Happy

The component lifecycle is a series of events that occur from the moment a component is created until it's destroyed. Knowing these events allows you to perform actions at specific moments in the component's life!

  • Component Lifecycle Events
Gal Pleased

There are three main phases in a component's lifecycle: mounting , updating , and unmounting . Each phase has specific lifecycle methods associated with it.

Geek Curious

Interesting! What happens during these phases?

Gal Happy

During the mounting phase, the component is created and inserted into the DOM. The updating phase occurs when the component's state or props change, causing a re-render. Finally, the unmounting phase is when the component is removed from the DOM.

  • Lifecycle Methods
Gal Normal

Now let's talk about the lifecycle methods! In class components, there are several methods you can use:

Gal Pleased
  1. componentDidMount() : This method is called after the component is mounted. It's a good place to fetch data or set up subscriptions!
Gal Normal
  1. componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) : This method is called after the component updates. It's useful for reacting to prop or state changes!
Gal Happy
  1. componentWillUnmount() : This method is called right before the component is unmounted and destroyed. It's the perfect place to clean up any resources, like timers or subscriptions!
Geek Happy

Wow, these methods sound really useful!

Gal Normal

They are! But keep in mind that with the introduction of React Hooks, you can achieve similar functionality in functional components using useEffect() . It's becoming more popular, but understanding class component lifecycle methods is still important!

Geek Curious

Do you have a hilarious example using lifecycle methods?

Gal Pleased

Sure! Here's a class component that fetches a random joke every 5 seconds:

class RandomJoke extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      joke: 'Fetching a joke...',

  componentDidMount() {
    this.interval = setInterval(() => this.fetchJoke(), 5000);

  componentWillUnmount() {

  fetchJoke() {
    // Fetch a random joke from a joke API and update the state.

  render() {
    return <div>{this.state.joke}</div>;
Geek Happy

Haha, that's awesome! I'm getting the hang of component lifecycle now!

Gal Happy

Glad you like it! Keep practicing, and soon you'll master React components and their lifecycle! 😄

  • Conclusion The component lifecycle in React consists of mounting, updating, and unmounting phases. Class components have specific lifecycle methods like componentDidMount(), componentDidUpdate(), and componentWillUnmount(). Understanding these methods will help you manage state and optimize rendering efficiently.