• Introduction Now that we’ve learned about the basics of React components, let’s dive deeper into functional components! Functional components are a simpler way to create components in React. Our friendly characters, Geek and Gal, will guide us through understanding functional components. 🚀
Gal Normal

Ready to explore functional components in React?

Geek Curious

Totally! But what makes them different from other components?

Gal Happy

Functional components are just plain JavaScript functions that return JSX. They're easier to write, test, and understand!

  • Functional Components
Gal Pleased

A functional component takes in "props" and returns a JSX element. Here's an example of a functional component:

function Greeting(props) {
  return <h1>Hello, {props.name}!</h1>;
Geek Happy

Oh, I see! So it's just a function that takes in props and returns some JSX!

Gal Happy

Exactly! And to use a functional component, you just write it as a custom HTML tag, like this:

<Greeting name="Bob" />
Geek Surprised

That's pretty simple! Are there any limitations to functional components, though?

Gal Normal

Well, before React Hooks were introduced, functional components couldn't manage state or use lifecycle methods. But now, with Hooks, they can do almost everything that class components can! 🎉

Gal Pleased

Here's a hilarious example of a functional component that displays a joke:

function Joke(props) {
  return <p>{props.setup}... {props.punchline} 😂</p>;
Geek Happy

Haha, that's funny! Functional components seem really powerful and easy to use!

Gal Happy

They sure are! They've become the preferred way to create components in React for many developers. 😄

  • Conclusion Functional components in React are a simpler way to create components using plain JavaScript functions that return JSX. With the introduction of React Hooks, functional components have become more powerful and can manage state and use lifecycle methods, making them the go-to choice for many developers! 🌟