• Introduction You’ve created your first React app using Create React App! Now, let’s explore the project structure and understand the purpose of each file and folder. Our friendly duo, Geek and Gal, will guide you through this process.
Gal Normal

Ready to dive into the project structure of a React app? 😃

Geek Curious

Sure, let's go!

  • Understanding the Project Structure
Gal Pleased

When you create a new React app using Create React App, it generates a bunch of files and folders for you. Let's look at the main ones.

Gal Happy

First, there's the public folder. It contains the static files for your app, like the index.html file.

Geek Happy

Got it! The public folder is for static files!

Gal Pleased

Right! Next up is the src folder. This is where you'll write your React components and JavaScript code. Inside, you'll find the App.js file, which is the main component of your app.

Geek Surprised

So, the src folder is where the magic happens? 🧙‍♂️

Gal Happy

Exactly! You'll also find a index.js file in the src folder, which is the entry point for your app. It's responsible for rendering the main App component.

Gal Pleased

Another important file is the package.json . It contains information about your project, like its name, version, and dependencies.

Geek Curious

What are dependencies?

Gal Normal

Dependencies are external libraries and packages that your project relies on. You can install new ones using npm!

Geek Happy

I see! package.json manages my project info and dependencies!

Gal Happy

You got it! There are other files and folders as well, but these are the main ones you'll work with when developing a React app.

  • Conclusion The project structure of a React app includes the public folder for static files, the src folder for your React components and JavaScript code, and the package.json file for project information and dependencies. By understanding the purpose of each file and folder, you’ll be better equipped to build your amazing React app! 🚀